[P/S there´s one new blogpost below this - vacation updates, new bikini and my first beautybox:) *Click here*]
Most people know how to protect their skin against the sun during summer by applying sunscreen, but very few think about their hair! A vacation spent by the pool or on the beach can cause serious damage to your hair, leaving it dry, brittle, dull, your color will lose its shine and your hair will look lifeless.
This is not ofc only if you´re on a sunny vacation, but everyday spent out in the harsh sun rays will do your hair no good.
Wear a hat! :)
The absolute best thing one can do to protect the hair is to COVER it up! I´m definitely buying a sun hat of some kind as soon as I get to Bangkok. Remember that putting on a hat, or a headscarf for that matter protects your scalp too!
If you don´t want to wear a hat, at least braid your hair, or pull it back in some kind of bun - or both! There´s SO many cute and different designs for that messy braided beach hair :)
It is not that the sun is your hairs worst enemy ever, I mean combing, washing, straightening, even sleeping and whatever damages your hair everyday!
But the the sun on top of that will leave your hair more dry and your color less shiny - so why don´t at least try to protect it from that while you can ;)
I would recommend everyone to buy a haircare range special for summer and sun exposure.
It gives hair moisture and protects against the UV rays.
I would def do my hair the favor of applying a thick layer of Redkens Waterwear and UV Spray when I´m by the pool or beach, or just out in the sun in general! My extensions are quite expensive too so it´s very important for me to be treating them well! ;)
By the beach, saltwater.
It´s also not a secret that saltwater and pool chlorine is bad for your hair. There are a few easy steps to avoid the greatest damage while taking a cooling swim :)
Well first of all, surprisingly enough, don´t put your head/hair under water! ;) he he. Easier said than done.
OK, if you´re taking a quick swim in the pool it´s easy to just bun your hair up and it won´t get wet. But by the ocean, the waves and wind may splash you in the face and make your hair a mess ;) Anyway, what´s fun about being in the ocean constantly being afraid of getting your hair wet? What a stress.
I would probably braid my hair and cover it with a UV spray or Waterwear cream and as soon as I get up I would either get a quick shower if there´s any by the beach or take bottle water and rinse my hair with it.
Blonde/bleached hair and pool chlorine:
If your hair is blonde, or if you have blonde highlights, and are planning to spend some time by and in the pool I would DEFINITELY bring a cleansing shampoo.. The chlorine protects us from bacteria, but blonde hair tends to turn into a lovely shade of green after some time in the pool. No fear, it won´t last forever and if you´re bringing a good cleansing shampoo the green will be away after your next shower. Remember also that some hotels have chlorine in the shower water too.. I would probably rinse off my hair after showering with the shampoo and bottle water.. Just to be 100% sure! ;)
I had white blonde hair a few years ago and I know the fear of turning green.. ha ha ;)
My products:
I have prepared well and I will be bringing my Redken Color Extend Sun haircare range :)
(Except the conditioner mask and SPF spray, I forgot to order it and now it´s to late! I will be buying it as soon as I find it in Bangkok. Meanwhile I´m using SP After Sun Conditioner).

‘‘ Color Extend Sun protects highlights, safeguards color and replenishes sun-stressed strands. It is the ideal regimen when spending time at the beach and by the pool or for clients who spend a lot of time outdoors.Color Extend Sun is also great for daily use during the summertime or year-round for those who live in warm climates.’’
This is the range, and the products that are checked are the ones I got so far:
It´s also great for my extensions as it´s full of moisture! ;-)
Always remember to wash your hair twice with shampoo - you don´t need much!
The first wash will cleanse your scalp for oils and rinse your hair for styling products, saltwater, chemicals etc.
The second wash will care your hair.
The shampoo will likely not produce a lot of lather during the first step.
Professional brands will lather less than drugstore brands because the drugstore brands contain more sulfats (which makes all the lather and bubbles!)
In our minds we think lather means clean, and if the shampoo doesn´t lather it´s no good! But that´s not true, it´s rather the other way around ;)
You will notice that the shampoo will lather more on the second step than during the first.
(This is because now your hair is more clean!;)
How to use the deep treatment:
Shampoo twice, rinse well, and apply your deep treatment for 5-15 mins.
Rinse well and then apply your conditioner :)
(While your deep treatment is working you can put som plastic around your hair and use your hairdryer to heat it up;)
It´s important to finish off with the conditioner as the shampoo and deep treatment will open up your hair cuticle leaving it vulnerable for dirt, damage and FRIZZ!
Shampoo - opens.
Conditioner - closes ;)
Oh, and if you say "I dont use conditoner becase it makes my hair heavy and flat" - well, find yourself a LIGHT conditioner - they´re out there. You really NEED conditioner, always! ;)